So at this stage I think it's about time you learnt a little bit more about me and what I'm all about. I enjoyed doing The Beauty Tag so I thought I'd put together 10 fact's that you didn't know about me but thought you would like to know. But first you can have this photo of me when I was little.

{I got all emotional looking through old photos of me and my granddad but I think this is the perfect one, hoovering up his hair. I miss my bestfriend so much}
- I think I am addicted to my phone. On a serious note the first thing I do when I wake up is pick up my phone check the time and then check all my apps, once I've scrolled through all my apps even if there's nothing there I will start again and scroll through them all again for like an extra hour. I know, it's terrible.
- I have never broken a bone in my body.
- My favourite meal to eat is Spaghetti Bolognese and it's literally the only thing I can cook.
- I cannot and I mean cannot walk in heels to save my life. I can't even walk in 3 inches
- I LOVE piercings and tattoos but I don't have any. I've had my ears pierced before when I was 12 but after the six weeks because they'd been in that long it was so hard to get the back off them and take them out for school. That caused my ears to be sore so I left them out and they healed. I've also had my belly pierced before but that started rejecting and I had to take that out, but now I really want my nose done and have wanted too for years now. I don't have any tattoos but REALLY want one but won't get one because I pass out from needles, believe it or not.
- My dream career is to be a Children's Nurse.
- Thailand, The Maldives and Florida are at the top of my travel list. Bet we can all guess why Florida? Yes Disney World. I'm a massive Disney fan.
- I am OBSESSED with pugs. Every time I see one I cry. My heart melts. And them I'm a puddle of mush on the floor. I want a little black pug puppy and I shall call her Luna.
- My favourite Band that I yet have to see live is Thirty Seconds To Mars. I do like other pop charts music and the likes of The 1975. I have a very mixed music taste that people can't understand. But yeah Mmmmm Jared Leto.
- I have a fear of failing. I just don't like not doing well. But if I think I am going to fail I just won't do it, I'll give up and not even try. I guess that's something I really do need to learn on.
I really enjoyed sharing these facts about me with you and I hope you enjoyed getting to know me even more.