Monday, 29 August 2016

3 Fears I Need To Work On

Hey my lovelies! 

So I've had 3 weeks off blogging and I thought it was time to make an appearance again (this is also an unplanned post). I've had some time to reflect on how I've been feeling and what's been causing me to feel like that an I've sussed it. I now just need to figure out a away how I can cope with all these emotions before I explode and stop worrying about stuff before it's even happened. I need to just chill the fuck out basically. So I saw a lovely girl called Kate create a post '5 Fears I Need To Work On' and I thought why not create my own version? This would be perfect for me right now and I've learnt by writing things down it really helps me. This post is purely for me but I hope you enjoy reading it. 

Before I start another blog post that has helped me MILLIONS recently is 'Things to Tell Yourself When You Overthink Everything' If you're a big over thinker like I am then you need to check this out. 

RIGHT. I'll get on with it then 

Fear of everyone leaving me
Now this may sound silly to some people but throughout my life people have left me willingly. I think it may have something to do with my dad because he's not around anymore. I'm moving out in a couple of weeks and for some reason it's like as if I've got in my head that my mums not going to be around anymore and I have to do everything all by my self with no support. I know it's silly but I can't help worrying. 

Fear of people not liking me 
I don't know what it is but I just want people to like me. I'm not a horrible person I've been described as caring and that I have a loving heart, I wouldn't go out of my way to upset anyone or hurt them, that's just not my thing. But you know them people that treat you like shit and walk all over you and decide they don't like you because you're an 'easy target' yeah. 

Fear of change 
This is the biggest one I need to work on asap. I've got some big changes in my life happening right now and I'm finding it so hard to accept this, it's out of my comfort zone. The change of moving away and going to University is supposed to be a positive thing but my brain is making it a negative thing and I'm feeling all kinds of things and acting in all kinds of different ways. Like I said before I just need to chill out and stop worrying. 

What fears do you need to work on?

Don't forget you can find me in all these places too!



  1. I'm so glad you did this post too Claire, it's amazing. The fear of people leaving me is something I struggle with too. x


    1. Thankyou! It was quiet enjoyable to write to be honest and reflect on areas I need to improve on xx

  2. Thank you for being so honest! I have a secret fear of people not liking me too! It's hard not to care what people think of you, but it's important to be completely confident in who you are.

    1. Thankyou for reading Andrea, Confidence is another area I need to work on but not exactly a fear for me x

  3. Definitely relate to this post, especially the fear of people not liking me & a fear of change! I'm moving away to go to University as well (in 2 weeks time!) so I know exactly how you feel, I am non-stop worrying about it at the moment. Wishing you all the best & good luck with your move.

    Lisa. :)

    1. I wish you the best of luck! We both need it as I'm going to University in 2 weeks too, absolutely bricking it, but I know we'll both be fine

  4. I feel the same about you on change! I find comfort in things and I never want them to change xx

    1. So relatable, unfortunately things don't stay the same forever and it's something I'll have to learn to accept and appreciate xx

  5. I think we all fear change but just remember change can be good. Good luck at University! They will be some of the best years of your life, embrace the changes - you will love the independence and i'm sure you will make some new friends for life - I know I did and I had the same worries!

    1. I agree with you! Change isn't always bad, thankyou for reminding me Rae. I wish my brain would just start listening to people because a lot have gone through the process have uni and they've been fine but I just can't help but worry

  6. Such a lovely post to read, I also fear change especially starting uni next year !

    Olivia // BLONDE LA MODE

    1. Thankyou for reading, I'll let you know how I get on because I'm worrying about uni at the moment but I'm sure I'll be fine x

  7. Such a lovely post to read, I also fear change especially starting uni next year !

    Olivia // BLONDE LA MODE

  8. This is an amazing post and I can relate to it unbelievably!! It's so nice to hear people actually talking about these things ❤️

    1. Thankyou so much for your kind words Emily x

  9. Interesting post! I think a lot of us has the same fears. It's good that you acknowledge it and want to work on it.


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