Wednesday, 27 July 2016

5 Things I Wish I Was Told Before I Started Blogging

It's been 5 months since I first created my blog, but I think it was abut a week later till I started actually writing on my blog, it took me so long to figure out how to design my blog with the template, banner and all that html crap. My blogs design has changed a lot since then though and I'm really happy with how it looks now but then again it's still in progress. But since I've finally got the hang of how things work and I feel like I know everything I need to know., I wanted to write a post on things I wish I'd have known or have been told before I started blogging, I've come up with 5 things to represent each month I've been blogging for so far.

1. Sometimes you will want to give up
Everytime I get stuck for ideas on what to write I wan't to give up, I end up thinking this is it, I'm not going to be able to think of any more ideas so I'll just stop blogging. I've only been blogging a few months and even now it's been so difficult to come up with things to blog about that are 'original'. Apparently it's a normal thing to have 'bloggers block' that's what they call it and it's okay to take a break and not give up because ideas will come flowing back. At the end of the day you can talk about whatever the hell you like because somewhere on the internet it's already been written about. As long as it's in your words it's original enough.

2. How to turn down PR collabs in a polite manner
A few times now I've had brands contacting me to collab with them, but it's them type that rip you off and give nothing back in return. However because I'm only doing blogging for a hobby at the moment it's not really something I'm interested in at this moment in time, this may change in the future though. I'm just enjoying having a blog to write on and having fun out of it. If anyone would like to tell me the answer to this point I'd appreciate it because I still don't know how to.

3. How big the blogging community actually is
When I was in school I'd never even heard of blogging, it wasn't until I started watching Youtube videos by Zoella and Tanya Burrs I was enlightened that Blogging was a thing. Still then no one ever spoke about it who I was surrounding my self with. It was even later until I made my own blog and got involved in twitter chats etc that I was like wow all these people have something in common with me.

4. Blogging takes up a lot of your time
Before starting my blog I didn't know how much I'd be into blogging, only now I've realised I'm really passionate about what I'm doing, I enjoy it a mahoosive amount and I just want to blog all the time. I know other bloggers are committed because it's their full time job but I'm committed because I enjoy it so much. I will spend all day everyday pretty much doing blogging tasks that needs be done like writing up blog posts for the week, promoting previous posts, being active on pinterest, twitter and Instagram, replying to blog comments, reading other peoples blog posts and commenting. Sometimes I do wish I wasn't so engrossed in blogging considering it's only a hobby. I enjoy it but I get stressed out every now and then because I have to keep up.

5. People won't visit your blog unless you promote it 
Building up a loyal following takes time, and you can only do that if you put your blog out there and promote your posts on twitter or commenting on other peoples blog posts and leaving a link to your blog at the end of your comment. Just be humble and genuine and people will like you. 

What things do you wish you knew before you started blogging? 

Don't forget you can find me in all these places too!



  1. These five points are so, so true! I definitely wish I'd known these things before I started! :) xxx

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

  2. So relatable! I wish I knew how long blogging took, i thought it was just write a post and publish but it is s much more xx

    1. So did I but it definitely takes so much more hard work, we all know how much so I won't go into detail again xx

  3. Wow! For five months you've got some serious stuff going on here! Congratualtions! I've been at it for about one and a half years now and everything is still very slow. I should have really used your tip number 5 earlier but I was very timid and didn't know how to.

    xxx Anissa

    1. Aw thankyou so much, that was so nice of you to say! Just keep putting in the hard work lovely, it'll pay off soon! xxx

  4. I wish I knew how big the blogging community was before coming into it. I feel like it's impossible to get to know everyone. Lovely post! xx

    1. It can be quite over whelming sometimes, just keep chatting but I tend to lean towards certain types of people who i'd consider as friends. As much as I'd love to be you can't be friends with everyone unfortunately, thankyou lovely! xx

  5. I feel like I'm still very new to blogging as I can be quite on and off with it, which is kind of a problem. However, this post is super helpful and true! I had no idea about the massive blog community on Twitter and it's so great to know there are other people out there. <3

    1. I love how many friends I've gained from it especially you lot from ttatb! xx

  6. This is such a cute and relatable post - I love it! I completely agree with everything you have written - blogging IS tough, but it is so worth it in the end! Love your blog <3

    Frances x

    1. Thankyou so much Frances! I wouldn't change blogging for the world now xx

  7. The whole blogging process is such a learning curve all the time. I learn something knew everyday that I'm like damn I wish I'd known when I started. These 5 are definitely the most relatable though! Especially number 2 haha. Great post, love your blog! Jess xx

    1. I've literally only just learnt how to say no to PR companies. And I still don't believe it's professional enough,I guess I'll learn with time. Thankyou for reading xx

  8. This post is so accurate! I'm a fairly new blogger myself and I wish I knew all of these before getting started, especially how important promoting yourself is! :P xx

    1. You're smashing it then if you're a new blogger, I always thought you'd been blogging for some time now, thankyou for reading Lucy xx

  9. These are so true! I definitely didn't realise how big the blogging community was until I was suddenly in it!

    1. Don't get me wrong though I love how big the community is xx

  10. Very true on all fronts. Blogging is kind of a thing everyone thinks is wicked easy but it takes some serious time and dedication. You're also hounded at times. :)

    S .x

    1. It's definitely not easy when you put in all your effort x

  11. Totally agree with some of these points! I too didn't ever hear about vlogging and blogging etc until later on in life and then it came as a surprise to me to see how large the community got! Keep doing your thing, makesure you keep it as your hobby, you are bound to get bloggers block but as long as you love it you should never stop :) XX

  12. I blogged years ago, so I kind of already knew what to expect. However things have changed in terms of social media, before you literally had to rely on forums and commenting on people's websites, there was no way of promoting! So that is something I'm still getting the hang of. It's like am I annoying people when I post on twitter all the time, sometimes I just can't tell!

    Em x • lifestyle & design blog • for fab custom logo & blog header designs visit:

    1. Oo did you? That sounds so weird that it used to be like that compared to how it is now. Yeah I feel annoying keep pushing my blog out there everyday but It's got to be done I guess, Unless you're not bothered about the readership and just writing it for your own personal needs xx

  13. I couldn't agree with this more!
    I didn't know how much work went into blogging each day.
    Fab post!
    Charlotte xx

  14. I had no idea how big blogging was either! There are just so many blogs - but I try to look at it as seeing how many cool new interesting people there are to connect to!
    The amount of time updating all social media accounts whilst forward planning and writing new blogs as well is something which I think a lot of people don't realise they'll need to factor in time for.
    This is a great resource for people thinking about starting to blog, as well as something really relatable for current bloggers!
    Sending you best wishes and positive vibes.

    Nicky xx |

    1. Can relate to so much, is so time consuming sometimes, some people don't realise how much hard work it is even though it's only my hobby, thankyou for reading xx

  15. These are sooo true and I can 100% relate! I wish I knew these too, thanks for sharing! Xxx

  16. I couldn't of said if better. Agree with everything and some great advice for people who are thinking about starting a blog.

    Thanks for sharing
    Steph xx

    Steph’s World | Lifestyle Blog |

    1. When I wrote it I didn't think it'd be good for new bloggers as well as current bloggers. I've fallen lucky this time. Thankyou for reading xx

  17. This is great advice for me as I've only just started blogging and I'm already worried about 'bloggers block'! It's reassuring to know that everyone goes through this at some stage.

    Hannah |


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